BBC BASIC / Re: BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 version 1.36a released
« Last post by Richard Russell on August 01, 2023, 08:42:17 AM »Updated the 'compiler' to create a standalone EXE file in Windows!
In response to a user request, I have updated the Windows edition (only) to v1.36b. In this version standalone executables behave more like those created by BBC BASIC for Windows, in that libraries and DLLs are deleted after the program has terminated rather than been left lying around on the disk.
The practical outcome is that load time may be slightly increased, because the libraries and DLLs must be extracted every time the program is run, but it's less wasteful of disk space and - in the case of a program which needs no resource files such as sprites or music - admin privileges are not needed to run the program in a write-protected directory.