Author Topic: BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 version 1.11a released  (Read 2808 times)

Richard Russell

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BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 version 1.11a released
« on: March 28, 2020, 09:57:11 AM »
I've released version 1.11a of BBC BASIC for SDL 2.0 - the cross-platform programming language for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Raspbian, Android and iOS.  The changes in this version are as follows:

  • BASIC Interpreter / Run Time Engine

    Enabled render batching (in SDL 2.0.10 and later) which should improve graphics performance.

    Rationalised the VDU variables, e.g. ?444 and @vdu%!248 no longer have their previous functions.

    Added @vdu.w{a&,b&,c&,d&}, @size{x%,y%} and @char{x%,y%} to mirror some system variables.

    32-bit x86 editions now support the 64-bit indirection operator (]) as 64-bit and ARM editions always have.

    VDU 27,n (output symbol for character codes 0-31 and 127) now works in VDU 5 as well as VDU 4 mode.

    Changed the default MODE 7 font to be more similar to RISC OS and Matrix Brandy.

    Fixed a bug causing BBCSDL not to run properly if the installation path contained a 'dot' character.

  • IDEs and Utilities

    Updated BBCEdit to version 0.32.4, which fixes a minor bug in the last release.

    Enhanced SDLIDE so that the Tab key inserts eight spaces in the editor.

    Fixed a bug in the Compiler utility which could cause crunching to fail with code containing both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of a structure (e.g. is in this category).

    Fixed a bug in the Search BASIC Programs utility which could cause it to freeze in rare circumstances.

  • Libraries

    The ogllib and gleslib 3D graphics libraries have been modified to improve support for point-source, spot- and directional lights (compatible, as far as I can reasonably achieve, with BB4W).

    The ellipse library has been updated to be compatible with 'render batching'.

    The dlglib library has minor improvements to the textbox and listbox.

    Svein has updated his treeview library to version 3.08, which has improved performance.

  • Example Programs

    Added in examples/graphics to demonstrate the different light types available in OpenGL.

    Added in examples/physics, a Box2D simulation of a drawing machine originally by Svein Svensson.  This program is compatible with BB4W if the Box2D libraries are installed.

    Added in examples/physics, a Box2D simulation of a trebuchet by David Marples.  This program is compatible with BB4W if the Box2D libraries are installed.

    Modified to report whether render batching is enabled.

    Updated to ensure compatibility with render batching.
This new version may be downloaded, for all the supported platforms, from the usual location.  The GitHub repository has been updated (used to build the MacOS, Raspbian, iOS and 64-bit Linux editions, currently).

Please remember that if you use the BBC2APK Android Application Generator you should download a new APK template to ensure that any updates to the run-time engine are incorporated in your own apps.