# ex205_sdl_gfx_primitives.nim
# ============================
# VIDEO / Drawing geometric primitives provided by sdl_gfx_primitives
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sdl2/sdl, sdl2/sdl_image as img,
sdl2/sdl_gfx_primitives as gfx, sdl2/sdl_gfx_primitives_font as font
Title = "SDL2 App"
ScreenW = 640 # Window width
ScreenH = 480 # Window height
WindowFlags = 0
RendererFlags = sdl.RendererAccelerated or sdl.RendererPresentVsync
App = ref AppObj
AppObj = object
window*: sdl.Window # Window pointer
renderer*: sdl.Renderer # Rendering state pointer
Image = ref ImageObj
ImageObj = object of RootObj
texture: sdl.Texture # Image texture
w, h: int # Image dimensions
proc newImage(): Image = Image(texture: nil, w: 0, h: 0)
proc free(obj: Image) = sdl.destroyTexture(obj.texture)
proc w(obj: Image): int {.inline.} = return obj.w
proc h(obj: Image): int {.inline.} = return obj.h
# blend
proc blend(obj: Image): sdl.BlendMode =
var blend: sdl.BlendMode
if obj.texture.getTextureBlendMode(addr(blend)) == 0:
return blend
return sdl.BlendModeBlend
proc `blend=`(obj: Image, mode: sdl.BlendMode) {.inline.} =
discard obj.texture.setTextureBlendMode(mode)
# alpha
proc alpha(obj: Image): int =
var alpha: uint8
if obj.texture.getTextureAlphaMod(addr(alpha)) == 0:
return alpha
return 255
proc `alpha=`(obj: Image, alpha: int) =
discard obj.texture.setTextureAlphaMod(alpha.uint8)
# Load image from file
# Return true on success or false, if image can't be loaded
proc load(obj: Image, renderer: sdl.Renderer, file: string): bool =
result = true
# Load image to texture
obj.texture = renderer.loadTexture(file)
if obj.texture == nil:
"Can't load image %s: %s",
file, img.getError())
return false
# Get image dimensions
var w, h: cint
if obj.texture.queryTexture(nil, nil, addr(w), addr(h)) != 0:
"Can't get texture attributes: %s",
return false
obj.w = w
obj.h = h
# Render texture to screen
proc render(obj: Image, renderer: sdl.Renderer, x, y: int): bool =
var rect = sdl.Rect(x: x, y: y, w: obj.w, h: obj.h)
if renderer.renderCopy(obj.texture, nil, addr(rect)) == 0:
return true
return false
# Render transformed texture to screen
proc renderEx(obj: Image, renderer: sdl.Renderer, x, y: int,
w = 0, h = 0, angle = 0.0, centerX = -1, centerY = -1,
flip = sdl.FlipNone): bool =
rect = sdl.Rect(x: x, y: y, w: obj.w, h: obj.h)
centerObj = sdl.Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
center: ptr sdl.Point = nil
if w != 0: rect.w = w
if h != 0: rect.h = h
if not (centerX == -1 and centerY == -1): center = addr(centerObj)
if renderer.renderCopyEx(obj.texture, nil, addr(rect),
angle, center, flip) == 0:
return true
return false
# Initialization sequence
proc init(app: App): bool =
# Init SDL
if sdl.init(sdl.InitVideo) != 0:
"Can't initialize SDL: %s",
return false
# Init SDL_Image
if img.init(img.InitPng) == 0:
"Can't initialize SDL_Image: %s",
# Create window
app.window = sdl.createWindow(
if app.window == nil:
"Can't create window: %s",
return false
# Create renderer
app.renderer = sdl.createRenderer(app.window, -1, RendererFlags)
if app.renderer == nil:
"Can't create renderer: %s",
return false
# Set draw color
if app.renderer.setRenderDrawColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF) != 0:
"Can't set draw color: %s",
return false
sdl.logInfo(sdl.LogCategoryApplication, "SDL initialized successfully")
return true
# Shutdown sequence
proc exit(app: App) =
sdl.logInfo(sdl.LogCategoryApplication, "SDL shutdown completed")
# Event handling
# Return true on app shutdown request, otherwise return false
proc events(pressed: var seq[sdl.Keycode]): bool =
result = false
var e: sdl.Event
if pressed.len > 0:
pressed = @[]
while sdl.pollEvent(addr(e)) != 0:
# Quit requested
if e.kind == sdl.Quit:
return true
# Key pressed
elif e.kind == sdl.KeyDown:
# Add pressed key to sequence
# Exit on Escape key press
if e.key.keysym.sym == sdl.K_Escape:
return true
# MAIN #
app = App(window: nil, renderer: nil)
done = false # Main loop exit condition
pressed: seq[sdl.Keycode] = @[] # Pressed keys
if init(app):
# Generate random colors palette
var rnd: array[256, sdl.Color]
for i in 0..255:
rnd[i].r = rand(255).uint8
rnd[i].g = rand(255).uint8
rnd[i].b = rand(255).uint8
rnd[i].a = 255
if rnd[i].r < 32 and rnd[i].g < 32 and rnd[i].b < 32:
rnd[i].r = uint8(255 - rnd[i].r)
rnd[i].g = uint8(255 - rnd[i].g)
rnd[i].b = uint8(255 - rnd[i].b)
# Load font
gfx.gfxPrimitivesSetFont(addr(font.gfxPrimitivesFontData), 8, 8)
# Main loop
while not done:
# Clear screen with draw color
discard app.renderer.setRenderDrawColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)
if app.renderer.renderClear() != 0:
"Can't clear screen: %s",
# Drawing
# Point
discard app.renderer.pixelRGBA(
x = 10, y = 10,
rnd[0].r, rnd[0].g, rnd[0].b, rnd[0].a)
# Horizontal line
discard app.renderer.hlineRGBA(
x1 = 10, x2 = 110, y = 20,
rnd[1].r, rnd[1].g, rnd[1].b, rnd[1].a)
# Vertical line
discard app.renderer.vlineRGBA(
x = 120, y1 = 10, y2 = 470,
rnd[2].r, rnd[2].g, rnd[2].b, rnd[2].a)
# Rectangle
discard app.renderer.rectangleRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 30, x2 = 110, y2 = 60,
rnd[3].r, rnd[3].g, rnd[3].b, rnd[3].a)
# Rounded rectangle
discard app.renderer.roundedRectangleRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 70, x2 = 110, y2 = 100, rad = 10,
rnd[4].r, rnd[4].g, rnd[4].b, rnd[4].a)
# Box
discard app.renderer.boxRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 110, x2 = 110, y2 = 140,
rnd[5].r, rnd[5].g, rnd[5].b, rnd[5].a)
# RoundedBox
discard app.renderer.roundedBoxRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 150, x2 = 110, y2 = 180, rad = 10,
rnd[6].r, rnd[6].g, rnd[6].b, rnd[6].a)
# Line
discard app.renderer.lineRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 190, x2 = 110, y2 = 210,
rnd[7].r, rnd[7].g, rnd[7].b, rnd[7].a)
# Anti-aliased line
discard app.renderer.aalineRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 200, x2 = 110, y2 = 220,
rnd[8].r, rnd[8].g, rnd[8].b, rnd[8].a)
# Thick line
discard app.renderer.thickLineRGBA(
x1 = 10, y1 = 210, x2 = 110, y2 = 230, width = 5,
rnd[9].r, rnd[9].g, rnd[9].b, rnd[9].a)
# Circle
discard app.renderer.circleRGBA(
x = 60, y = 280, rad = 50,
rnd[10].r, rnd[10].g, rnd[10].b, rnd[10].a)
# Arc
discard app.renderer.arcRGBA(
x = 60, y = 300, rad = 50, start = 30, finish = 150,
rnd[11].r, rnd[11].g, rnd[11].b, rnd[11].a)
# Anti-aliased circle
discard app.renderer.aacircleRGBA(
x = 60, y = 420, rad = 50,
rnd[12].r, rnd[12].g, rnd[12].b, rnd[12].a)
# Filled circle
discard app.renderer.filledCircleRGBA(
x = 180, y = 60, rad = 50,
rnd[13].r, rnd[13].g, rnd[13].b, rnd[13].a)
# Ellipse
discard app.renderer.ellipseRGBA(
x = 180, y = 135, rx = 50, ry = 15,
rnd[14].r, rnd[14].g, rnd[14].b, rnd[14].a)
# Anti-aliased ellipse
discard app.renderer.aaellipseRGBA(
x = 180, y = 180, rx = 50, ry = 15,
rnd[15].r, rnd[15].g, rnd[15].b, rnd[15].a)
# Filled ellipse
discard app.renderer.filledEllipseRGBA(
x = 180, y = 225, rx = 50, ry = 15,
rnd[16].r, rnd[16].g, rnd[16].b, rnd[16].a)
# Pie
discard app.renderer.pieRGBA(
x = 180, y = 260, rad = 50, start = 30, finish = 150,
rnd[17].r, rnd[17].g, rnd[17].b, rnd[17].a)
# Filled pie
discard app.renderer.filledPieRGBA(
x = 180, y = 320, rad = 50, start = 30, finish = 150,
rnd[18].r, rnd[18].g, rnd[18].b, rnd[18].a)
# Trigon
discard app.renderer.trigonRGBA(
x1 = 130, y1 = 380, x2 = 230, y2 = 390, x3 = 130, y3 = 410,
rnd[19].r, rnd[19].g, rnd[19].b, rnd[19].a)
# Anti-aliased trigon
discard app.renderer.aatrigonRGBA(
x1 = 130, y1 = 420, x2 = 230, y2 = 400, x3 = 230, y3 = 430,
rnd[20].r, rnd[20].g, rnd[20].b, rnd[20].a)
# Filled trigon
discard app.renderer.filledTrigonRGBA(
x1 = 130, y1 = 430, x2 = 230, y2 = 440, x3 = 130, y3 = 460,
rnd[21].r, rnd[21].g, rnd[21].b, rnd[21].a)
# Polygon
const polyN = 4
var polyX, polyY: array[polyN, int16]
polyX[0] = 260
polyY[0] = 10
polyX[1] = 350
polyY[1] = 20
polyX[2] = 340
polyY[2] = 40
polyX[3] = 250
polyY[3] = 30
discard app.renderer.polygonRGBA(
vx = addr(polyX[0]), vy = addr(polyY[0]), n = polyN,
rnd[22].r, rnd[22].g, rnd[22].b, rnd[22].a)
# Anti-aliased polygon
polyY[0] = 50
polyY[1] = 60
polyY[2] = 80
polyY[3] = 70
discard app.renderer.aapolygonRGBA(
vx = addr(polyX[0]), vy = addr(polyY[0]), n = polyN,
rnd[23].r, rnd[23].g, rnd[23].b, rnd[23].a)
# Filled polygon
polyY[0] = 90
polyY[1] = 100
polyY[2] = 120
polyY[3] = 110
discard app.renderer.filledPolygonRGBA(
vx = addr(polyX[0]), vy = addr(polyY[0]), n = polyN,
rnd[24].r, rnd[24].g, rnd[24].b, rnd[24].a)
# Textured polygon
polyY[0] = 130
polyY[1] = 140
polyY[2] = 160
polyY[3] = 150
var polyTexture = img.load("img/img2.png")
discard app.renderer.texturedPolygon(
vx = addr(polyX[0]), vy = addr(polyY[0]), n = polyN,
polyTexture, 0, 0)
# Bezier curve
const bezN = 4
var bezX, bezY: array[bezN, int16]
bezX[0] = 260
bezY[0] = 170
bezX[1] = 350
bezY[1] = 180
bezX[2] = 260
bezY[2] = 190
bezX[3] = 350
bezY[3] = 200
discard app.renderer.bezierRGBA(
vx = addr(bezX[0]), vy = addr(bezY[0]), n = bezN, s = 100,
rnd[25].r, rnd[25].g, rnd[25].b, rnd[25].a)
# Character
discard app.renderer.characterRGBA(
x = 370, y = 10, 'A',
rnd[26].r, rnd[26].g, rnd[26].b, rnd[26].a)
# String
discard app.renderer.stringRGBA(
x = 370, y = 30, "String",
rnd[27].r, rnd[27].g, rnd[27].b, rnd[27].a)
# Update renderer
# Event handling
done = events(pressed)
# Shutdown